
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

  Hi friends Today I will talk about a controversial topic that is about the career that I am studying, which is Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Chile. The first thing would be to talk about the subjects that are taught during the first years. Being honest, there are subjects focused differently from what they should focus on, an example is the subject of electromagnetism where they pass us electrical circuits that in practice will not help us, it will only be general knowledge for life. Another subject that is poorly distributed is differential and integral calculus, which should be taught as two subjects since there are too many concepts to be in just one. Regarding the duration of the university degree, I could not say anything about it, since it is a career that requires a lot of knowledge of science and health, for which I feel that it would be demanding to ask for fewer years. Many will think that because it is the University of Chile it must have the best equ

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Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

 Hello blog friends!  Today I will talk to you about a topic that we always or most of the time dream about: a time travel to the future. who would not like to be able to travel in time? It sounds very entertaining but at the same time it is terrifying, if you could travel to the past you would know the history or you could repeat things that you lived and that you already know.  On the other hand, a time travel to the future would be knowing things that haven't happened yet, seeing people you haven't met yet, seeing problems that haven't happened yet, seeing if you achieved your goals or seeing something tragic such as a death. I would like to go, travel back in time to a time where women did not have to be afraid to walk in the street or at night, they could have the same opportunities or salary as men. Right now, in some countries it happens, but in others there is still inequality and I hope that in some future, hopefully soon this will change.  I don't think I woul